Saturday, May 16, 2015

PYO Strawberry Harvest, Thinning Peaches

Our fresh strawberries on waffles, with a little real maple syrup, make a great breakfast.
   Strawberry harvest started on May 11, and will run to about June 6 this year.  Strawberries are sold pick-your-own only, by appointment only, for $2.55 per quart + tax.  We already have people scheduled to pick strawberries each day through May 31, and have openings in the first week of June.  Phone 620-597-2450 to set up a day and time to pick strawberries, and I'll return your call to confirm.

Cheyenne and Clayton Mayfield had a great time picking strawberries with their mom Melinda on May 14.  The smaller strawberry plants in the background were just planted last fall, so only the established planting in front is producing many berries this year.
    Asparagus harvest should go for the next 2 weeks or so.  These are nice thick spears and I snap them off where they break easily, instead of cutting them at ground level, so almost all of the spear is tender and usable.  Phone 620-597-2450 to order asparagus, which we sell harvested for $2.79 per pound + tax.
   We still have about 80 lbs. of harvested  #2 'GoldRush' apples for sale now and for the next 2 weeks or so.  #1 'GoldRush' apples are now sold out until next Nov.  Cracked 'Kanza' pecans are also sold out until next Nov.
Three of our workers and I thinned peaches today.  Left to right, Brandon Ledford, Ben Miller and Tim Epler are on ladders thinning peaches on upper branches.
   Hand thinning of peaches, described in the previous post, continues.  This is a very labor-intensive job that takes over 500 hours.  Now that our college-age workers are done with classes for the semester, and our high schoolers are almost done, each of our 5 workers and I will thin peaches 40 to 46 hours per week for the next 2 weeks.
   From Dec. 1 to May 31 we're open by appointment.  We'll be very busy thinning fruit on our 160 peach trees all during May, and from the peach orchard I can't see the driveway or hear cars come in, if people just drop by.  Thanks.