Monday, April 3, 2017

Asparagus, Apples & Pecans for Sale

    Asparagus harvest has started, and goes until late May.  These are nice thick spears, and I snap asparagus off where it breaks easily, so almost the entire spear is tender and usable.  Asparagus is sold harvested for $2.78 per pound + tax.  Phone 620-597-2450 to order asparagus, and leave a message on the answering machine saying when you're coming to get it.
We have quite a bit of harvested asparagus for sale, now until late May.  Phone a day in advance
to order asparagus.
    We still have a few #1 'Enterprise' apples for sale, and we should have #2 'Enterprise' apples (great for making pies or apple butter) for sale until late April or early May.  'GoldRush' apples keep well in our cooler or a fridge for 9 to 10 months, and we still have a good supply, so we'll probably have 'GoldRush' apples for sale until late May or early June.
These 'Enterprise' apple trees are in beautiful bloom now.
   Our apple orchard is in beautiful bloom now, and is buzzing with bees pollinating the flowers to produce the 2017 apple crop.  Last week I made all this year's controlled crosses for my ongoing apple breeding program, using 'GoldRush', 'Sun Giant' and 'Honeycrisp' as parents this year.
These young 'Sun Giant' apple trees, which Bill grafted 2 years ago, will bear some fruit this year.  'Enterprise' and 'GoldRush' apple trees bloom in the background.
   This past weekend, my husband Bill grafted my favorite apple selection from my breeding program, 'Sun Giant', onto 24 young rootstocks in pots.  He also topworked a 20-year-old tree in our apple orchard to 'Sun Giant'.

Bill topworked this 20-year-old tree in our apple orchard to 'Sun Giant' yesterday.  The scions (small stem pieces sticking out of each limb) will grow together with the existing tree, and will bear 'Sun Giant' fruit in a few years.
   We still have cracked 'Kanza' pecans for sale, now until about June.  Bill cracks more pecans in small batches as the bags of cracked pecans sell, since they store best in-shell.  Once cracked, pecans should be kept in the freezer for long-term storage of up to 3 years, or in the fridge if they'll be used within the next 2 to 3 months.
    Scroll down 3 posts for apple and pecan prices.  Just phone 620-597-2450 a day in advance, and leave a message on the answering machine saying your name, the day and approximate time you're coming, and which crops you want.  Our phone rings in the house, and I check for messages when I come in from working in the orchards or sorting apples in the sales building.