Sunday, November 13, 2022

Many Pears & Apples, Some Pecans Now

   We've now harvested over 4200 pounds of 'Enterprise' apples, and over 2100 pounds of 'Gold Rush' apples, into large bins that we store in our larger cooler.  I'll sort apples out of those bins all winter and spring, so we'll have both 'Enterprise' and 'Gold Rush' harvested apples for sale until about next May.

We have small amounts of 'Enterprise' harvested apples for sale now, and will have more for sale until next May or so.
   We have some 'Enterprise' and 'Gold Rush' harvested apples for sale now, but only small amounts, as we've focused on harvesting the remaining 'Gold Rush' apples on the trees over the past week, and many customers have come to buy the apples I'd already sorted and packed into trays.  I'll sort more apples this week while it's cold, so we should have plenty to sell next week, in the days leading up to Thanksgiving.

Newly-picked and packed 'Gold Rush' apples are still partly green, tart and starchy. They get sweeter after at least a month in cold storage.
   'Gold Rush' apples taste much better after at least a month in the cooler, as starches convert into sugars.  'Gold Rush' apples keep well in our cooler or your fridge for 10 months, and 'Enterprise' apples keep well in our cooler or your fridge for 6 to 8 months.

   We still have over 700 pounds of harvested 'Harrow Sweet' pears in our cooler, ready to sell.  These are truly excellent pears, so get some while we still have them.  We've now sold over 5500 pounds of pears in the past 10 weeks.

We still have many harvested 'Harrow Sweet' pears for sale.

   For payment, we accept cash and checks (from any state), but NO credit cards or debit cards.  We have no phone line to the sales building, and no card reader.  Please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount you want to buy.  Thanks.

   We'll have some harvested, cracked pecans for sale starting Mon. Nov. 14.  Our pecan crop was reduced by 90% this year due to 5 months of extreme drought and the early hard freeze.  So we'll have pecans for sale for less than 4 weeks this year, as shown under "Crop Sales Seasons" in the left sidebar, instead of the 10 months we had pecans for sale last year.

   We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.  Each bag has the equivalent of 6 pounds of in-shell pecans, and when you pick out the pecan kernels, you get 3 pounds or more of nutmeats.

We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags. The sample box at front shows what the 'Kanza' pecans in the bags look like.