Friday, November 10, 2023

Harvesting Pecans, Still Many Pears for Sale

   We now have harvested, cracked pecans for sale.  My husband Bill started harvesting pecans on Nov. 4, and he's been shaking the trees and harvesting the nuts each day since then. Every evening he cleans the nuts he harvested that day.  On Nov. 9, it was too cold to harvest, so he started cracking the cleaned pecans.  Today was the first day we had pecans for sale, and we'll have pecans for sale until mid-summer 2024.

We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound paper bags. The plastic container at front shows what the pecans inside each bag look like: over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.
   We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.  Each bag has the equivalent of 6 pounds of in-shell pecans, and when you pick out the pecan kernels, you get 3 pounds or more of nutmeats.

Bill uses a mechanical trunk shaker to jar nuts from the trees to the ground. Trunks of each pecan variety are painted with different colors for easy identification during harvest.
  We grow and sell only pecan varieties that my husband Bill has named, and selections from his pecan breeding program.  All pecans that we sell have large nuts with thin shells and flavorful kernels.

Bill uses a pecan harvesting machine to scoop up the pecans from the ground with rubber fingers.
   We only sell cracked pecans; we do not sell in-shell pecans or pecan kernels.  We sell all our crops retail only, so we do not sell pecans wholesale to those wanting to pick out kernels and resell them.  Those wanting to buy in-shell pecans, pecan kernels, or wholesale pecans may contact Miller Pecan Company in Afton, OK.  Their website is   

   We still have about 680 pounds of  'Harrow Sweet' pears in our cooler, packed in 20-pound boxes and ready to sell.  These pears are very sweet with a smooth, buttery texture, and are wonderful for baking and fresh eating.  They also make great pie filling, pear sauce or pear butter.  I like pear butter better than apple butter.

Each morning I eat our 'Harrow Sweet' pear chunks and toasted pecans, with a little pure maple syrup, on toaster Belgian waffles. This is my favorite breakfast.
   All #1 and #2 Asian pears have sold out now, and all #2 'Harrow Sweet' pears have sold.  We still have a few pounds of #2 apples from my apple breeding program for sale, but all #1 apples from 2023 have sold.  I give taste samples of all fruit varieties available when you come.

   For those wanting to make pie filling, applesauce or apple butter, we also have #1 and #2 apples from our bumper 2022 'Enterprise' apple crop.  These 2022 'Enterprise' apples have a rich flavor and are ideal for cooking, but not crisp enough for fresh eating.  I made great applesauce 3 times in the last 2 weeks from our 2022 'Enterprise' apples.

   We appreciate it if you phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine saying the day and about what time you'll come, and what you want to buy.  Our Fall Open Hours are shown in the left sidebar.  Our phone rings in our house, so you'll get our answering machine if you call during our open hours.  We'll answer the phone if you call when we're closed, so please do not call after 10 p.m.or before 7 a.m.  Thanks.

   As always, we take cash or checks for payment, but NO credit cards or debit cards, and no "apps".  We don't use a smart phone, and have no phone line to the sales building.  So please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount of fruit you want to buy.  Thanks.