Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Harvested, Cracked Pecans Ready

   We still have harvested 'Gold Rush' apples for sale now until we sell out, likely in late Dec. or early Jan.  'Gold Rush' apples keep well in a refrigerator for 10 to 11 months, and are best for fresh eating after at least a month in the fridge, as starches convert into sugars and they get sweeter.  'Enterprise' apples have sold out for the season, but we have small amounts of a few selections from my apple breeding program for sale.

   We often have some 2nds apples, with small cracks or other surface damage.  Many people are eager to buy 2nds apples to make pie filling, applesauce, apple butter, etc., so they usually sell quickly in Nov. and Dec.

   We have harvested, cracked pecans for sale now until we sell out.  We have a good pecan crop this year, and should not sell out before Christmas.

   We grow and sell only pecan varieties that my husband Bill has named, and selections from his pecan breeding program.  All pecans that we sell have large nuts with thin shells and flavorful kernels.

We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound paper bags. The plastic container at front shows what the pecans inside each bag look like: over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.
   We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.  Each bag has the equivalent of 6 pounds of in-shell pecans, and when you pick out the pecan kernels, you get 3 pounds or more of nutmeats.

   It requires 5 different machines to harvest pecans and prepare them for sale.  First, Bill uses a tractor-mounted trunk shaker to shake pecans from the trees.  Then he uses a pecan harvesting machine, which scoops up the pecans from the ground with rubber fingers, over the orchard.

Bill used a pecan harvesting machine last week to scoop up the pecans from the ground with rubber fingers. He finished the first harvest with leaves still on the trees. He'll do a second harvest after a freeze of 24 F or below.

   Third, Bill runs the newly-harvested pecans through a field cleaning machine, to remove sticks and debris.  This machine deposits the nuts into super sacks that hold about 1000 pounds of pecans, and Bill stores these super sacks in our pecan building to allow pecans to dry.

Bill runs newly-harvested pecans through a field cleaning machine, to remove sticks and debris. This machine deposits the nuts into super sacks that hold about 1000 pounds of pecans.

   Fourth, Bill runs the nuts through a pecan cleaning machine in our pecan building to remove shucks, mud balls and leaves.  He fills smaller burlap sacks with cleaned pecans, and allows them to dry further.

   Finally, Bill pours cleaned pecans from the burlap sacks through the pecan cracking machine and blower.  Then he scoops cracked pecans into paper bags by hand and weighs them.

    We only sell cracked pecans; we do not sell in-shell pecans or pecan kernels.  We sell all our crops retail only, so we do not sell pecans wholesale to those wanting to pick out kernels and resell them.  Those wanting to buy in-shell pecans, pecan kernels, or wholesale pecans may contact Miller Pecan Company in Afton, OK.  Their website is 

   We're still open our fall open hours (shown in the sidebar at left) until Dec. 15: 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Sat., and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Sundays.  We'll be closed on Thanksgiving Day, but open our usual fall hours every other day until Dec. 15.

   Those wanting more than 4 bags (16 lbs.) of pecans or 40 lbs. (2 boxes) of apples should phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine with your name, day & time you’ll come, and what you want to buy.

   From Dec. 16 to June 14, we’re open by appointment.  During those months, all customers should phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine with your name, day & time you’ll come, and what you want to buy.
   Our phone rings in our house; we have no phone in our sales building or pecan building and we don't carry cell phones with us.  So we'll get your message when we come in from working in the sales building or pecan cracking room.  That's why you need to call a day ahead.

   For payment, we accept cash and checks (from any state), but NO credit cards or debit cards.  We have no phone line to the sales building, and no card reader.  Please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount you want to buy.  Thanks.