Thursday, April 28, 2022

Harvesting Asparagus, Pruning Apple Trees

   Asparagus is growing well now, and I'm harvesting it 2 times per day.  I break each spear where it snaps off easily, so almost the entire spear is tender and usable.

    We'll have some asparagus for sale for the next 6 weeks or so, until early June.  Asparagus is limited so you do need to phone 620-597-2450 a day or two ahead and order it.

We have good amounts of asparagus for sale now & for the next 6 weeks or so.
   We still have many harvested, cracked pecans for sale, now until about June.  We had a very good pecan crop this past fall, and fewer people come to buy them from mid-Jan. to late May, so we probably will not sell out of pecans before late June or early July.

   We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.  Each bag has the equivalent of 6 pounds of in-shell pecans, and when you pick out the pecan kernels, you get 3 pounds or more of nutmeats.  Each bag costs $18.52 + sales tax. 

   Sales dates for all our crops are listed in the sidebar at left under Crop Sales Seasons. That also tells which crops are sold pick-your-own and which crops are sold harvested.

I took this photo of our apple orchard in bloom while up on a ladder, pruning the trees.

   We're very busy now pruning the apple trees so they'll produce the right amount of good-sized apples this fall.  'Enterprise' apples especially produce many vegetative shoots each year that need to be pruned off.

The 'Enterprise' apple tree row at left has not yet been pruned, so still has many vegetative branches. The row at right has been pruned, with some prunings in the utility vehicle to be hauled to our burn pile.

   From Dec. 16 to June 14, we’re open by appointment.  That means to phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine with your name, day and approximate time you’ll come, and what you want to buy.

   Our phone rings in our house, so I'll answer it if you call while it's rainy or cold out, and I'm working on the computer as I am now.  If you call while the weather's warm, we're working in the orchards, so leave a message on our answering machine. We have no phone in our sales building or pecan building and we don't carry cell phones with us.  So we'll get your message when we come in from working in the orchard, sales building or pecan cracking room.  That's why you need to call a day ahead.

   For payment, we accept cash and checks (from any state), but NO credit cards or debit cards.  We have no phone line to the sales building, and no card reader.  Please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount you want to buy.  Thanks.