Sunday, September 9, 2018

2nds Apples Great for Pies, Sauce & More

   Every few days I harvest a small amount of a few early-ripening apple varieties, and some selections from my apple breeding program, and we have these for sale.  I give taste samples, so most of these sell soon after they're harvested.  We also still have some 'GoldRush' and 'Enterprise' apples, harvested in Nov. 2017 and kept in good condition in our coolers, for sale now.
   Small amounts of harvested #1 apples cost $1.30 per pound + tax.  A 20-lb. box of #1 apples costs $25.00 + tax ($1.25 per pound + tax), which saves $1.00 off the per-pound price.  A 20-lb. box of #1 'Enterprise' apples harvested in Nov. 2017 now costs just $23.15 + tax, since these are getting to the end of their storage life.
   We have many 2nds apples, with small cracks, cork spots, hail damage, or other surface damage.  These are great for baking, slicing for salads, or for making applesauce or apple butter.  Usually 95% to 99% of each fruit is still usable, but they're 70% or less the cost, at $0.93 per pound + tax for less than 20 pounds and $0.88 per pound + tax for 20 pounds.  When you buy two or more boxes, each 20-lb. box of 2nds apples costs just $16.67 + tax ($0.83 per pound + tax), so that's $33.34 + tax  for 40 lbs. of 2nds apples.
These 2nds apples of 'GoldRush' (front) & 'Enterprise' (back), harvested in Nov. 2017, are still great for baking, cooking & drying, and are now on sale.
   You can save even more on 2nds of 'GoldRush' and 'Enterprise' apples harvested in Nov. 2017, as these are now just $0.88 per pound + tax for less than 20 pounds, $0.83 per pound + tax for 20 pounds, and $0.79 per pound + tax for 40 pounds or more.
   Our pick-your-own apple season starts in late Sept., when the 2018 'Enterprise' apples start ripening.  'Enterprise' apples will be most numerous for pick-your-own customers during the entire month of October. 
We still have 8 more bags of 'Kanza' pecans for sale, so come in the next week if you want some.
   We still have 8 more bags of 'Kanza' pecans left to sell, from the second 'Kanza' harvest in Jan. 2018.  These are described in the previous blog post, dated Aug. 31.  If you want to buy cracked pecans before mid- to late Nov. when the new pecan crop starts, come in the next week or so.