Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Many Purple Raspberries Ripe

   Many purple raspberries are ripe now, and more will ripen over the next 2 weeks.  We also still have some red raspberries and some black raspberries for customers to pick for the next week or so, though these are not as plentiful since they are nearing the end of their picking season.
Purple raspberries turn a deep purple color when ripe. Purple raspberries are hybrids of red raspberries and black raspberries, so have hybrid vigor, with high yields of larger berries.
  The thornless blackberry ripening season is delayed this year due to cold weather 6 weeks ago during blackberry bloom.  Through the end of June, there will be only a few quarts of thornless blackberries to pick, for customers who are also picking raspberries.  If you want to pick only blackberries, please wait until July to come pick.  We'll have literally tons of thornless blackberries to pick from July 6 to July 31.
   Raspberries and thornless blackberries are sold pick-your-own only.  All types of raspberries cost $2.78 per pint + tax, pick-your-own.  Thornless blackberries cost $3.70 per quart + tax, pick-your-own. We provide containers, and ask that you fill them level-full.
Many people came to pick purple raspberries this morning, including the Hamiltons on the left row and the Shannons on the right row.
   The peach ripening season is also starting later this year due to cold weather 6 to 8 weeks ago.  We may have a few peaches ripe by July 4th, but not many until July 6 and later.  We grow 18 different varieties of peaches, each one ripe for 10 to 14 days, so we have a succession of peach ripening over 2 months, until about Aug. 31 or so.
   We still have many harvested apples for sale for the next few weeks, especially 'GoldRush'.  This variety has an amazing storage life in regular cold storage, so it keeps well for 10 to 11 months in our coolers or your fridge.  Small amounts of harvested #1 apples cost $1.30 per pound + tax.  You save $1.00 if you buy a 20-lb. box of apples for $25.00 + tax.
   Our harvested #2 (2nds) apples sell for just $0.93 per pound + tax, so a 20-lb. box costs $18.60 + tax, which is $7.00 less than a box of #1 apples, including tax.  If you get 40 lbs. or more of #2 apples, the price goes down to just $0.88 per pound + tax, so each 20-lb. box costs $17.59 + tax, and 40 lb. of #2 apples costs just $35.18 + tax.

   We're now down to 8 bags of cracked pecans left to sell, and those will likely sell in the next couple days.  So our pecan sales season will likely end just about when predicted, as shown in the sidebar at left under Crop Sales Seasons.
   Our parking areas can fit 3 vehicles between each pair of oak trees (which provide nice shade for your vehicle).  So please pull in straight, fairly close to a tree, or into the middle spot if 2 other vehicles are already parked next to the 2 trees.  That way we'll have enough parking spots for everyone who's coming to get fruit.  Thanks.
   For payment, we accept cash or checks from any state.  We do NOT accept any credit cards or debit cards, as we have no card reader or phone line to the sales building.  So please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount of fruit you want to buy.  Thanks.