Sunday, August 16, 2020

Last 8-10 Days for Peaches

   We're now harvesting our last main yellow peach variety, 'Carolina Gold', and the only white peach variety we grow, 'China Pearl'.  Both these varieties were developed by the North Carolina State University peach breeding program, and both are very flavorful.  Like all our peaches, both are freestone, meaning the fruit comes free from the stone (pit) when cut.
We still have 'Carolina Gold' yellow peaches (left box) and 'China Pearl' white peaches (right box) for sale for the next few days.
   These peaches are small this year due to drought, and many are seconds. Cracks formed in the developing fruit as they tried to gain size during a severe 6-week drought, then when we finally got rain, we also got hail, causing further damage to the fruit.  2nds peaches are fine for cutting into chunks or slices and freezing, canning or eating them.
   Harvested #1 peaches cost $1.34 per pound + sales tax, and we have only a few pounds for sale, so we limit each family to 10 pounds of #1 peaches.  2nds peaches cost just $0.93 per pound + sales tax, and you can get more than 10 pounds if we have them.
   We'll have peaches for sale for the next 8 to 10 days or so.  We also still have 2nds 'Enterprise' and 'GoldRush' apples for sale for $0.93 per pound + sales tax. These are wonderful for making applesauce, apple butter, apple pie filling, etc.
   Our workers start back to school tomorrow, so I'm on my own harvesting peaches until Sat., when the workers will help pick peaches.  So it helps if you call a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine saying how many of what type of peaches you want, and the day and about what time you'll come, during our open hours.  We're still open our Summer Hours (see sidebar at left) through Aug. 31.
   While harvesting peaches, I put a sign by the bell on our sales building that says, "I'm working in the orchard. Ring bell for service."  Ring it loudly, just once or twice, and I'll hear it and come to the sales building.