Tuesday, February 2, 2021

'Gold Rush' Apples at Peak Eating Quality Now

   We still have many harvested 'Enterprise' and 'Gold Rush' apples for sale, and some 'Sundance' apples.  We'll likely sell out of 'Gold Rush' and 'Sundance' apples by mid-late March, so call us in the next few weeks if you want some.  We have more 'Enterprise' apples, so will likely have those for sale until April or May.

   From Dec. 1 to May 31, we're open by appointment, which means to phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine with your name, day and time you'll come, and what you want to buy.  I'll return your call after dark to confirm your appointment.  If you want to come that same day, call between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., when I'm still in the house where the phone rings, before I go out to the sales building to sort apples (where there's no phone).

   Our 'Gold Rush' apples are now at peak eating quality, and will retain their superior quality until Aug.  Most apple varieties do not retain crispness so long in cold storage, but 'Gold Rush' apples do.  'Gold Rush' apples also gain sweetness in cold storage as starches convert into sugars.  So they've gotten sweeter over the past 2 months, and will keep well in your fridge for 7 to 8 more months from now.  I eat a raw 'Gold Rush' apple every day with my lunch.

   Harvested apples cost $1.30 per pound + sales tax.  A 20-pound box costs $25.00 + sales tax, so you save $1.00 by buying 20 pounds.  I pack apples into 2 plastic bags lining the boxes, and have some mixed boxes with 2 different kinds of apples, one bag of each variety.

This 20-pound box of #1 apples has one bag of 'Enterprise' (red apples at left) and one bag of 'Gold Rush' (yellow apples at right).
   We also have some harvested 2nds apples, which cost $0.93 per pound + sales tax.  These have hail damage, cracks, or other surface damage, and are great for cutting into slices, in salads, or for cooking, baking or preserving.  If you buy 40 pounds (2 boxes) or more of 2nds apples for one household, the price goes down to just $0.88 per pound + sales tax, so $35.20 + sales tax for 40 pounds of 2nds apples.

   For payment, we accept cash and checks (from any state), but NO credit cards or debit cards.  We have no phone line to the sales building, and no card reader.  Please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount you want to buy.  Thanks.