Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Many Harvested 'Enterprise' Apples, Some Pick-Your-Own 'Gold Rush' Apples

   We now have a good amount of harvested 'Enterprise' apples in our cooler, ready to sell, plus smaller amounts of a few other harvested apple varietiesI just started harvesting 'Gold Rush' apples yesterday, and today our worker Dusti Scales and I started picking 'Gold Rush' apples into large bins that we store in our larger cooler.  I'll sort apples out of those bins all winter and spring, so we'll have both 'Enterprise' and 'Gold Rush' harvested apples for sale until about next May.

We have harvested 'Enterprise' apples for sale now until about next May.
   'Gold Rush' apples ripened well over the past 10 days, but the early freeze of Oct. 19 killed the trees' leaves, so many fruit are dropping.  That's why we're picking into bins, to harvest the crop as fast as possible.  I have only a few harvested 'Gold Rush' apples ready to sell yet, and 'Gold Rush' apples taste much better after at least a month in the cooler, as starches convert into sugars.  'Gold Rush' apples keep well in our cooler or your fridge for 10 months, and 'Enterprise' apples keep well in our cooler or your fridge for 6 to 8 months.

   We'll have pick-your-own 'Gold Rush' apples for about the next week, but customers must be very selective in picking them, so 'Gold Rush' is not advisable for children to pick this year.  Some 'Gold Rush' apples were badly sunburned from the prolonged summer temperatures over 100 F, and many fruit have cracks.  We've now almost finished harvest of 'Enterprise' apples, so there are very few 'Enterprise' apples left for pick-your-own harvest.  We do not allow customers to pick in the rain, and rain is now likely all day Fri. Nov. 4.

Some 'Gold Rush' apples are badly sunburned this year, many fruit have cracks, many have dropped early from the trees, and most fruit on the trees are still green.
   We still have over 900 pounds of harvested 'Harrow Sweet' pears in our cooler, ready to sell.  'Shinko' Asian pears have sold out for the year.

   Pick-your-own apple prices are $1.16 per pound + sales tax for #1 apples, and $0.88 per pound + sales tax for #2 apples (2nds).  "Pick-your-own" means you pick the apples from the trees while you stand on the ground, and you buy everything you pick.

  We sell #1 harvested pears and apples for $1.39 per pound + sales tax.  We sell #2 (2nds) pears and apples, with cracks or bird pecks, for $1.06 per pound + sales tax.

   We pick the #1 fruit directly into 2 bags in each box, which I weigh to 20.0 pounds.  If you get a 20-pound box of pears and/or apples, the price goes down to $1.34 per pound + sales tax.  So a 20-pound box of pears and/or apples costs $26.85 + sales tax, and you save $1.00.

   For payment, we accept cash and checks (from any state), but NO credit cards or debit cards.  We have no phone line to the sales building, and no card reader.  Please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount you want to buy.  Thanks.

   While I'm harvesting apples, I put up a sign by the bell on our sales building porch, saying to ring the bell.  Ring it loudly, and I'll come to the sales building.

   We'll have some harvested, cracked pecans for sale starting in mid-Nov.  Our pecan crop was reduced by 90% this year due to 5 months of extreme drought and the early hard freeze.  So we'll only have pecans for sale for about 1 month this year, as shown under "Crop Sales Seasons" in the sidebar at left, instead of the 10 months we had pecans for sale last year.