Saturday, November 24, 2018

'GoldRush' Apples & Jams for Sale Now

   Our last bags of cracked pecans sold today, so we're now sold out of pecans for the season.  We had a very small pecan crop this year due to the April 16 freeze.
   We still have about 1000 pounds of 'GoldRush' apples in our cooler, which I'm sorting each day into #1's and #2's.  We should have these for sale for the next 4 to 6 weeks, until we sell out.  'GoldRush' apples will keep well in your refrigerator for 10 to 11 months, and they get sweeter in cold storage, as starches convert into sugars.  They turn bright yellow when fully ripened.
We'll still have 'GoldRush' apples for sale for 4 to 6 more weeks, and they'll keep 10 to 11 months in your refrigerator, getting sweeter in cold storage.
   Small amounts of harvested #1 apples cost $1.30 per pound + tax.  A 20-lb. box of #1 apples costs $25.00 + tax ($1.25 per pound + tax), which saves $1.00 off the per-pound price. 2nds apples, with small cracks, cork spots, hail damage, or other surface damage, are great for baking, slicing for salads, or for making applesauce or apple butter.  Usually 95% to 99% of each fruit is still usable, but they're 70% or less the cost, at $0.93 per pound + tax for less than 20 pounds and $0.88 per pound + tax for 20 pounds.
   We also have Bill's homemade jams for sale, all made from our homegrown fruit.  These are made with more fruit and less sugar, so are healthier and taste much better than most jams sold in grocery stores.  Each pint jar of jam, apple butter or other fruit products cost $5.56 + tax.
We still have many of Bill's homemade jams for sale. Many people give them as Christmas gifts.
   We're still open our usual fall hours (see sidebar at left) every day until Nov. 30.  From Dec. 1 to May 31 we're open by appointment.  That means, from Dec. to May, to phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead, and leave a message on our answering machine with your name, the day and time you'll come, and what you want to buy.  Our phone rings in our house, so I'll get your message when I come in from working in the sales building or orchard.  If you want me to return your call, state your phone number clearly in your message.